Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tractor Pull June 6, 2007

Another daddy in my neighborhood owns an ATV (all terrain vehicle). He often takes his kids for little ride around the neighborhood in the wagon he attaches to the back of the ATV. I know his kids just LOVE this. What kid wouldn't? They especially had fun cruising the streets when we got an obscene amount of snow last winter.

Friday, June 5, 2009

President Daddy June 4, 2009

I love that President Obama had his girls jungle gym/swing set built within viewing distance from the Oval office.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

PLAY BALL! June 3, 2009

We moved to our current house a little over a year ago. All of our neighbors came over to greet us and welcome us to the neighborhood. We were surprised and delighted by this seemingly outdated and rare gesture. Our across the street neighbor brought us cookies and then told us that she lives alone with her 7 year old son. She also told us not to be surprised if we see a certain vehicle and man at her house on a regular basis. This man, she explained, is the father of her son. A year later, I completely understand why she felt the need to explain his presence. This daddy is there all of the time. I am amazed at the efforts he takes to be a part of his son's life. This time of year we see them playing catch nightly in the front yard. They wash the car together, mow the lawn and put up Christmas lights. Even though this father does not technically live with his son, he is more a part of his life than not. Most mornings he comes over to accompany his son to his school just two blocks up the street. From my point of view as the across-the-street neighbor, this father clearly puts his son first and deserves to be DOD. He's not a bad baseball coach either!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

DAVID GOLDMAN - June 2, 2009

I so hope that this man gets his son back tomorrow and that justice prevails. It is absurd and frightening that this situation was ever allowed to happen and then continue for nearly five years. Please read the full story below and keep both David and his son Sean in your thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to this nine year old boy who was originally taken from his father when he was only four, who lost his mother in the last year and will now be moving back to a life which is now unfamiliar to him. I believe that this daddy loves his son fiercely and will dedicate every cell in his being to help him heal.

Please also see David's web site dedicated to getting his son back.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tata Artur June 1, 2009

I, of course, could not go any further with this blog with out featuring my husband as DOD. Perhaps today it should be TOD for Tata of the day as Artur is Polish and tata is the Polish word for daddy.  I am so grateful that our daughter is growing up with such a loving, patient and involved daddy.  While I gripe at times about not getting a break from her, he wishes he had more time.  He goes to work everyday to make our time and life possible together.  He comes home from a long day of hard labor and doesn't think twice about placing his little girl at the top of his list.  Weekends are completely dedicated to family.  Artur teaches me a lot about patience, hard work, selflessness and accepting the full commitment of being a parent.   He has his own unique way of caring for and teaching her.  My favorite "daddy/Kasia" activity so far is the tour he gave her of the car.  I never would have thought to let our 10 month old daughter "drive" the car.  This tata did and she LOVED it.  See the photos below as proof.  Kasia is one lucky baby.  Really, who can say that they got to drive at 10 months old?!  

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Green Lake Daddy - May 31, 2009

The inspiration for this blog and the first official "daddy of the day" is a dad I saw at Green Lake today.  He was alone pushing a toddler in a stroller and had a small infant in a carrier.   Undoubtedly he was giving mommy a much needed rest.  My first thought was "what a brave, wise and considerate man".  I literally considered running after him just to give him a pat on the back and let him know how much he was helping.   I did not run after him but wanted to salute him none the less.  Thank you Green Lake Daddy for being so brave and considerate!  You are one of many who make the lives of us mommies so much easier.