Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Three Generations at a Lake in June

One of the best sources of knowledge and teaching comes from the family. In these modern times, the American extended family seems to be more geographically extended. Our children miss out on so many of the subtle but important day to day interactions that occur with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. My niece Abby, fortunately, lives near a lot of her extended family. Her daddy, my brother, recently took her on a fishing trip with Grandpa Bill in WY. Grandpa Bill is an avid fisherman and will happily share his hobby with anyone who shows interest. He is a patient and thorough teacher and is so encouraging. How wonderful that Abby has not only a dad who takes her fishing but a grandfather as well. These three had a great weekend connecting with nature and more importantly, each other. This is the stuff of father and child memories.